Agriculture law

What is Agriculture Law?

Agricultural law, or “Ag Law,” deals with the laws pertaining to agricultural infrastructure, seed, water, fertilizer, pesticide, land use, environmental issues, food production, agricultural finance, agricultural labor; agricultural marketing, agricultural insurance, farming rights, land tenure and tenancy systems, and other aspects of the agricultural processing and rural industries. As modern technologies and processes emerge, credit, intellectual property, and technology related trade and commerce issues pertaining to the agricultural industry become an increasingly large part of the sphere of issues related to ag law. Moreover, as the industry evolves and advances, issues of engineering, biotechnology, and hydrology will become increasingly prevalent.

Commercial Agricultural Operations

Commercial agricultural operations encompass many areas of commercial law, including the sale of goods, leasing, contract law, secured transactions, and commodity futures trading. Agricultural commercial transactions are often related to the sale and leasing of goods associated with agriculture.

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